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Clinic Solutions believes in empowering its clients with knowledge so they can create their own paths to wellness.


Clinic Solutions uses past and present research and experience to bring forth a healthy cellular state in the body. Our goal is healthy outcomes. At Clinic Solutions we decode DNA to help detect, prevent and/or correct disease. We provide education and offer recommendations to our clients, their families and to their physicians on how they can possibly stabilize and maintain their cellular health when it has become stressed. Healthy mitochondria is a key to healthy aging. Clinic Solutions assists people with options for their health by using a unique type of Cellular Stress Assessment utilizing DNA specimens. (See Services for more information.)


After initial assessment, the focus is put upon specialized cellular nutritional equations that are customized for each client. Some of the equations include microdilutions of certain substances found in the DNA for particular types of cellular stress from toxic or undesired exposure. Nutritional formulas and occasional herbal-focused recommendations may be offered as well as customized homeopathics.


Testing can also give us information on which foods may be stressing your cells. Personalized diet recommendations can be designed.


In an effort to keep up with our ever-changing environment, the list of substances for which we test that could be causing harm to your cells is periodically being updated. This can suggest to a client that they may need to locate where harmful substances such as PCBs and dioxins may be hiding in their environment. For instance, sometimes there can be outgassing from pillows and mattresses made with chemical substances. Chloramine, dental substances, GMOs and viruses from farm-raised fish, fluoride toxicity, cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners, nail polishes, food additives, toxic textiles and perfluorinated compounds (PFC) mainly from nonstick cookware, stain-resistant carpets and fabrics, toxic molds, paints, and construction materials are often identified. Many, if not all, of these substances are known carcinogens. Ongoing research of these substances has shown links to infertility, thyroid disease, cancers of many types including Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, allergies and problems with the immune system.

Today Clinic Solutions continues to do research and evaluate DNA for substances that can affect the entire body. Our utilization of state-of-the-art technology has catapulted our research and genetic science to assist people in obtaining healthier cells and organs, possibly avoiding the use of harmful treatments.  By changing an unhealthy cell signal (such as a gene mutation) that is creating stress in the cell, the cell can begin reproducing healthy cells. In a study that had women and men with positive BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, the cell signals were successfully changed utilizing our patented modified amino acid (MAA). At Clinic Solutions we believe in epigenetics, the process of working with genetic expressions to change health outcomes. It is always our goal to find the root cause of an issue instead of treating the symptoms.


The book, Epigenetics: How Environment Shapes Our Genes, by Richard C. Francis highlights how our ever-changing environment can profoundly affect our DNA.


The naked gene consists of DNA in the form o the famous double helix. The genes in our cells are rarely naked, however. They are, rather, clothed in a variety of other organic molecules that are chemically attached. What makes these chemical attachments important is that they can alter the behavior of the genes to which they are attached; they can cause genes to be more or less active. What makes these attachments even more important is that they can stay attached for long periods of time, sometimes a lifetime. Epigenetics is the study of how these long-lasting, gene-regulating attachments are emplaced and removed. Sometimes epigenetic attachments and detachments occur more or less at random, like mutations. Often though, epigenetic changes occur in response to our environment, the food we eat, the pollutants to which we are exposed, even our social interactions. Epigenetic processes occur at the interface of our environment and our genes.


The book goes on to say:

The epigenetics of cancer is particularly well-studied.  In cancer cells, many genes lose their normal methyl attachments - they are demethylated. This demethylation results in a host of abnormal gene activities, one consequence of which is unbridled cell proliferation. It is this global demethylation, not any particular mutation, which is the hallmark of cancer. This is good news, epigenetic changes are reversible. The goal of much medical epigenetics is to find ways to reverse pathological epigenetic events. Many see in epigenetics the potential for a medical revolution.


Clinic Solutions offers evaluations for DNA cellular stress. Cellular stress is defined as cells that are not completely healthy - cells stressed from environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, bacteria, viruses and/or other infective agents. Following the evaluation of the DNA, recommendations are made to assist in bringing the cells to a healthier state.



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5851 San Felipe St., Suite 710

Houston, TX  77057

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Clinic Solutions believes in empowering its clients with knowledge so they can create their own paths to wellness.


* Your results may vary from those listed above.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Since we do not know everything about your medical history and medications, please consult with your healthcare practitioner before implementing any new protocols and supplements. Do not construe any information listed on this site as a substitute for actual medical advice. The information you receive from us is not intended to replace medical advice by your doctor. Clinic Solutions does not dispense medical advice, prescribe or diagnose illness. We offer nutritional programs and supplements that support your health. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Clinic Solutions are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a medical condition, please see a physician of your choice.

*No refunds are given for testing; however, you can transfer payment to another individual.

*As of March 1, 2015, our prices have changed. For further information, please contact our office.

*Should a client go beyond one year of having being tested, the price increases. Please call our office for details.

© 2020 by Clinic Solutions. Website by Raydon Creative.

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