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For more information or to request a test kit: 713.780.2464 —



DNA Cellular Stress Assessment Includes:

  • Simian Virus (SV40/SV5) - includes a  CRT (Cellular Response Test), if positive

  • Bacteria

  • Viruses

  • Fungus and Molds

  • Parasites

  • Lyme Disease Panel

  • Chemical Toxicity

  • Pesticides

  • Heavy Metals

  • Radiation (24 types), EMFs and Geopathic Stress

  • Dental materials

  • Vaccine toxicity

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Food sensitivities

  • Pharmaceutical Metabolites

  • Phenolics

  • Animal-borne illness

  • Mycotoxins, GMOs, dyes and additives

Known & Probable Human Carcinogens

published by the American Cancer Society.

Everyday Things That Can Damage The Brain

published by the



Chromosome Testing

for Gene Mutations (identifying current and predisposed diseases such as cancer)


Genetic Methylation

Gene Correlation & Functionality Test

over 40 different tumor suppressor genes tested

Do You Have Bad Genes or Just a Bad Doctor?

From Sherry Rogers, M.D.

Q. My family history includes Alzheimer’s. Plus my doctor says I have the gene for Alzheimer’s and that I should start thinking about using the medication for it when I have signs of it.


A. You don’t have a bad gene, you have a bad doctor. First of all, no medication cures Alzheimer’s. And second of all, when folks take some of the cholinesterase-inhibiting prescriptions for Alzheimer’s they actually accelerate the downhill progression of the disease. But more importantly, it has been known for a decade and even published by Harvard Medical School researchers that vitamin A (retinoic acid) is among many of the important nutrients to protect against memory loss, especially once Alzheimer’s has begun. But since most people are low in zinc (which is necessary in the enzyme retinaldehyde dehydrogenase), they cannot convert their beta-carotene to its active form, vitamin A. Furthermore, most people have cell membranes that are starving for the correct fats and choked with the wrong fats.


Dr. Rogers goes on to say, "If she had done her homework she could find that foods and nutrients speak to genes and keep them suppressed so they do not have to manifest themselves. Right now, countless famous people are reported to have Alzheimer’s, but unfortunately they do not have any knowledgeable advocates to help them repair their brain chemistries. They rely on conventionally trained physicians who only see every symptom as a deficiency of the latest drug."

Clinic Solutions offers a 4-part evaluation for DNA cellular stress and epigenetics to decode illness and disease. Cellular stress is defined as cells that are not completely healthy - cells stressed from environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, bacteria, viruses and/or other infective agents. We test for thousands of different substances.  Following the evaluation of your DNA, recommendations are made to assist in bringing your cells to a healthier state.



Think of human DNA as an encyclopedia. Some geneticists believe DNA is written in "permanent ink." At Clinic Solutions we believe in epigenetics - or that DNA is written in pencil and can be changed to produce desired outcomes. We are constantly striving to decode disease and have "cracked the code" of many diseases that have been spoken "irreversible" including hopeless genetic diagnoses. We also strive to repair damaged DNA. We have partnered with a group of scientists at a major health and wellness company. With the help of our partners, we are able to offer even greater strides in repairing damaged DNA and preventing damage to DNA. 







5851 San Felipe St., Suite 710

Houston, TX  77057

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Clinic Solutions believes in empowering its clients with knowledge so they can create their own paths to wellness.


* Your results may vary from those listed above.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Since we do not know everything about your medical history and medications, please consult with your healthcare practitioner before implementing any new protocols and supplements. Do not construe any information listed on this site as a substitute for actual medical advice. The information you receive from us is not intended to replace medical advice by your doctor. Clinic Solutions does not dispense medical advice, prescribe or diagnose illness. We offer nutritional programs and supplements that support your health. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Clinic Solutions are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a medical condition, please see a physician of your choice.

*No refunds are given for testing; however, you can transfer payment to another individual.

*As of March 1, 2015, our prices have changed. For further information, please contact our office.

*Should a client go beyond one year of having being tested, the price increases. Please call our office for details.

© 2020 by Clinic Solutions. Website by Raydon Creative.

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